Three evening talks on Zoom for photographic clubs worldwide.
Scott Hurd
Scott is a highly experienced and naturally entertaining, motivational speaker, ever prepared to share ideas, knowledge and fun. Following a career at the sharp end of education he set up and ran a very successful company presenting motivational events for bright and able young people. He currently “lives the dream,” working as a professional photographer and photographic trainer in Namibia, a country he sees as the most photogenic on the planet. For a fuller picture of Scott’s career please see Scott Hurd Resumé.
An audience with Scott quickly learns that he has a great zest, living life with a sense of excitement, anticipation, and energy. He appreciates the quirkiness of life and really enjoys his work. People invariably leave sharing his enthusiasm for wildlife, for the wilderness, for photography, for education and with an increased determination to take control of their own future. He has a knack of making a talk to even a large audience seem totally personal, making him an ideal choice of speaker, or workshop leader, for a wide range of occasions.
A selection of his favourite workshops and well-illustrated, motivational talks are listed below.
Zoom Talks: Updated September 2024
Trailer for Scott Hurd’s “Living and Working as a Photographer in Namibia” Series (youtube.com)
Three evening talks on Zoom for photographic clubs worldwide.
Re: Scott Hurd’s Talks for Camera Clubs and other Organisations, Worldwide
Here are some club talks, directly from Scott Hurd’s homebase in Otjiwarongo, Namibia, where he has a fast and reliable fibre optic connection to the internet, ideal for Zoom. Scott’s work, especially his conservation work, is regularly in demand for books and magazines worldwide, and was recently featured in an eight-page spread in the EOS magazine.
As well as being a professional photographer, Scott is a very experienced presenter with an enthusiastic but relaxed style. His talks fit into a two-hour club session, allowing a short time for an interval, questions, and comments. They’re suitable for anyone who has an interest in travel and wildlife photography, beginners through to the more experienced; his aim is always to entertain as well as to inform and, from the feedback, he succeeds. Expect something a little bit different.
For the clubs with poor internet connection recorded versions are available or, when he travels to the UK, he always enjoys visiting clubs in person.
Scott Hurd – Living and Working as a Professional Photographer in Namibia
It was quite the best evening that we can recall. Our most critical and technically equipped committee member commented simply and directly in written feedback to the committee: ‘super talk, lovely images’. He is usually hard to satisfy!
With retirement approaching, Scott walked away from his lucrative business as a motivational speaker and, using his own techniques, reinvented himself. He set up a new life in Otjiwarongo, a small town in the African bush – a totally different world – in order to work with his first love, photography.
The open spaces, wildlife and people were what initially drew him to Namibia. He had expected to be involved in mainly Lodge and Hotel publicity work, to have the occasional wedding or baby shoot and maybe to sell a few photos, but, as one of the few photographers in the country at the time, he completely failed to anticipate the diverse and fascinating work that flooded in.
As a professional photographer in Namibia, he never knows what the next phone call will bring. He could be training anti-poaching units out in the bush, photographing aged freedom fighters or shooting a President. He could be camped out in the desert doing ID photos of Wild Horses, covering a big tribal wedding or working with rescued pangolins. One of his most unexpected and exciting projects has been to document the construction of a brand new mine, from virgin bush to the first gold bar. His knowledge of African wildlife has enabled his images to spearhead major conservation campaigns and be used in publications worldwide. The content of Scott’s presentations is as diverse as the Namibian people, the wildlife and the land itself. A born story-teller, he speaks lovingly of a land that fast became his home, a land where camera technique has to adapt to very different, sometimes arduous and often extreme conditions. This is an Africa that visitors can only guess at.
2. Scott Hurd – Living and Working as a Professional Photographer in Namibia – The Sequel
Fantastic photographs, which we have come to expect, and lots of good tales and techniques, I shall look to book your other one in the next season.
For those who’ve already seen part one, Scott continues talking about his life as a photographer in his fascinating, adopted country. This is a completely new talk, highlighting different areas of the country, new work assignments, even more conservation, new stories and even more wonderful wildlife. Camera techniques and tips abound. His usual relaxed and informed manner remains the same.
3. Scott Hurd – Shooting Wildlife in my home country, Namibia
This was the best wildlife talk I’ve seen in 23 years with the club – chair of a prestigious UK club.
The diverse Namibian wildlife, ranging from the desert adapted elephant to the tiny palmetto gecko, has always been the icing on Scott’s very big cake. Each animal presents its own challenges, but with observation and learning comes understanding, and from that a logical shooting strategy emerges that can be applied to most animals worldwide. This talk draws on some of his most interesting conservation projects as well as encounters in the bush and desert that have stirred his soul. He shares a wealth of techniques – photographic, stalking and editing – and looks at the joys, problems, and ethics of shooting in his extreme African environment. Scott peppers the evening with glimpses of fascinating animal behaviour, all of which help him to dig deeper and find shots that most don’t even consider.
Other talks from Scott Hurd:
Safari Photo-Guide Training*
A talk by a highly experienced wildlife photographer to show safari and tour guides what photographers of all kinds and levels are looking for, whether they know it or not.
Visiting Namibia*
This is a basic introduction to Namibia for potential visitors, a general introduction to the country showing what tourists can expect to see and experience. It is designed for travel companies and tour operators and, with Scott’s knowledge and comprehensive Namibian image library, can be tailored to specific routes.
Thinking Photography*
Scott sets out to dispel some of the photographic myths that shackle many photographers. He demonstrates how he considers any photographic situation and sets the camera accordingly, dispelling the need to learn a whole range of different settings and allowing the camera to be pushed to its limits.
Making Dreams Reality*
This is a superbly illustrated and motivational talk, showing Scott’s journey from the sharp end of education in the UK to being a well-known, African wildlife photographer. It demonstrates the practical steps that allowed him to realise his dreams, steps that others can also use to shape their future. He is an ideal speaker for that special event.
A Few More of Many Comments:
* Please pass on my thanks to Scott for such an engaging talk and images. It was a special evening and I really enjoyed it.
* I have not felt such enthusiasm for a presentation in quite some time! I think that your engagement with people and your subject matter were probably the main reasons.* On behalf of ***** Club I’d like to thank you for a great presentation on Thursday night. You really nailed it. We’d love to have you back soon.* Amazing presentation tonight, thank you. Loved your whole story. It’s on my bucket list – one day soon.
* Thanks so much for the presentation tonight , absolutely loved listening to you and hearing about life in Namibia.
* You brought us a width of experience of people, scenery and geographical, historical and political insight all expertly constructed and amazing.
* What a fantastic night. I have had a lot of emails from members saying how they enjoyed the evening, not only because of the great photography, but the insight you gave us all on what is seen as one of the best countries in Africa. I have been asked to get “part 2” organised.
* Will you thank Scott personally from me for a cracking presentation. It was so informative and educational about Namibia that it was a breath of fresh air. Loved the Pangolins, as did everyone in the club rooms …. 3 members approached me afterwards with “you have got to get him back”.
Website: <http://www.h4urd.co.uk> www.h4urd.co.uk
Wildlife and Scenery Galleries:
Conservation: <https://www.h4urd.co.uk/?page_id=2274>
Résumé: <https://www.h4urd.co.uk/?page_id=1909>
Face Book: Scott Hurd – Photography, Training and Speaking
Email: <mailto:scott@h4urd.co.uk> scott@h4urd.co.uk
Cost: £95 sterling per evening. Talks already booked remain at the price at the time of booking. Scott is always happy for clubs to share an evening or to open up to the public as part of a membership drive.
Talks marked with a * are priced differently.
Public Speaking and Presentation Workshops: These sessions provide invaluable help and advice to anyone wanting to give their own important presentations or speeches. Scott makes the whole thing fun, crams it with as much practical experience as possible and backs it up with sound, positive advice. These sessions can also be adapted to target those who teach Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. Workshops vary in length from an hour to a whole weekend, the more time available the more practice can be built in. Alternatively the topic can be presented as an informative and entertaining talk.
Skills for Active Learning: This masterclass provides a plethora of tips, techniques, practical ideas and valuable information. Scott has extensive expertise in this field. Initially developed from his work with reluctant students he has applied these techniques to all abilities and ages. In addition he explains how these methods will help improve behaviour and increase both teacher and pupil confidence. This topic is run as a training session and is highly suitable for teachers from all backgrounds as well as youth leaders.
Catwalk: This thought-provoking and fun workshop relies totally on audience participation and has always been a favourite for participants, of all ages, in his Challenge Plus programme. It takes a close look at how we learn from role models, why and how we’re programmed to use them, and highlights their value as tools for personal development. It starts with a “studio discussion” and concludes with the creation of a Catwalk show using readily available and cheap materials that have been placed to hand. Alongside this he can examine the practicalities of running a similar activity with participants’ own groups. This is a high octane and thoroughly enjoyable workshop led by Scott at his most energetic!Photographic Courses and Experiences:
For a variety of Photographic and Photoshop Courses and Experiences please see the Photographic Courses page or contact judy@h4urd.co.uk