Besides having a thorough understanding of photography, Scott is a natural teacher and is very experienced in leading workshops, courses and photographic experiences.
He works with groups of any size including one on one, in practical situations, through discussion or through lectures. Most courses are a mixture of teaching styles and are tailor made to the need. His aim is always to make his training logical, practical and personal and to ensure students always have access to help and advice.
For more information about Scott please see his Resumé.
Your own Tailor-made photo course or photo experience can be devised for you. your family or for a group of friends.
Photoshop Training Course – geared to the photographer who wants to take his or her work beyond the average. This is often attached to another course.
Assignment Photography – taking your photography to a professional or semi-pro level. The course gives you hands on experience in a variety of demanding situations and explains how to come through them with THE shot. Different ways to make money from the camera are discussed, there are sessions on the business side of photography and advantageous ways to work with clients and photo-libraries are explored.

Wild Horses weekend – after a comprehensive briefing the night before we aim to be out with the horses when the sun rises on the first day. Various other experiences are packed into this incredible weekend. Help and advice is given throughout so you make the most of your experience.

Thinking Photography Course – examines the principals of photography and teaches the student to apply them to a range of practical situations, from action and wildlife to scenery and portraiture. The aim is not to give a series of learn responses for set situations but to teach the student to THINK photographically and get sharp images all the time. Other sessions on this course examine what actually makes a good photo.

Wedding Photography Weekend – As well as practical wedding experience sessions Scott takes you through the whole wedding process from a photography and from a business angle. Processing for a wedding is also part of the course.

Helicopter experience weekend – following a comprehensive briefing we shoot a helicopter in various situations then get airborne and shoot animals and scenery from the sky. Help and advice is given throughout so you make the most of your experience.

Wildlife and/or Conservation photography – a course aimed at understanding how to get the best from wildlife experiences with opportunities for practical work. Can include an evening walking with pangolins and shooting rescued animals at REST. Help and advice is given throughout so you make the most of your experience.

INDIVIDUAL Photography and/or Photoshop training and experiences by arrangement
SnapAfrica! is a scheme that puts secondhand camera equipment into the hands of young, disadvantaged Namibians and provides photographic training and mentoring
Judy & Scott Hurd
Otjiwarongo, Namibia
Cell Judy: +264 (0)81 310 2540
Cell Scott: +264 (0)81 360 8434